Dr. Mukesh Bhatia | Email: drmukeshbhatia18@gmail.com

Angina Pectoris

Angina Pectoris

Angina pectoris is phrase that explains chest pain caused by a condition in which the quantity of oxygen being paid to heart muscle is in short supply. Some people experience angina while sleeping or at rest.

The pain is caused by compact blood flow to a segment of heart muscle. It generally lasts for only a while and an attack is frequently rapidly comforted by rest or drugs. In addition, it is possible to have myocardial ischemia without experiencing angina. Typically, angina is described as a "pressure" or "squeezing" pain that starts in the center of the chest and may spread to the shoulders or arms, the neck, jaw or back. It is usually generated by extra insist on the heart: exercise, an emotional upset, exposure to cold, digesting a heavy meal is one of the common examples.

The risk factors of angina pectoris includes smoking, High Blood pressure, high blood fats or cholesterol, diabetes and family history of premature ischemic heart disease.

Identification of angina could be based upon the classic record of chest problem while hard work and by means of tests, representative the presence of coronary artery disease.