Dr. Mukesh Bhatia | Email: drmukeshbhatia18@gmail.com



Gokshura has been used for so long as a general tonic. It can also be used as Ayurvedic medicine to sustain efficient kidney and urinary occupation and in dipping renal discomfort. It is also very efficient in curing urinary tract disorders due to it encourages the flow of urine and cools and soothes the membranes of the urinary tract.

Gokshura can be renamed as gokhru, Gokshura is found throughout Asia-Africa and Europe in sandy soils, which use to gives strength, especially to men. According to Ayurveda Gokshura is a great support for heart treatment. It is excellent for purifying the bladder and genitourinary tract. Gokshura is also very useful for breathing problems and chronic cough.

Apart from curing diabetes, Gokshura can be used for better concentration by clearing thoughts. In Ayurveda Gokshura can also be recommended in cases of chronic depression. Gokshura can control hypertension as well and Gokshura can be recommended to reduce three doshas viz., Vata, Pitta and Kapha too.